Week of Prayer for Texas Missions

On September 14-21, 2025, churches and individuals are encouraged to pray, promote and support Texas Baptists ministries and missionaries serving and sharing the Gospel around the state and world.


2024 Week of Prayer Stories

Special Friends Retreat

Special Friends Retreats exist to provide a camp/retreat experience for individuals with disabilities, their caregivers, and their families. 


  • Pray for more churches to see the need for special needs ministry. The Special Friends Retreat is a model for how this ministry can impact the life of a church.
  • Pray for the health of the campers throughout the year, as many struggle with health issues.

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Church Starting Ministry

Church Starting consists of multiple partners sharing the responsibility God has given to reach the lost. 


  • Pray for the Church Starting team to identify areas for starting churches.
  • Pray for the ground to be prepared for a new church to be started and to grow.
  • Pray the hearts of the people in these communities will be open and prepared for the gospel.

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Embrace: Mentoring for Young Women

EMBRACE, a ministry of WMU of Texas, is a mentoring experience for young women between the ages of 18-39, who are searching for their ministry purpose and calling.


  • Pray for wisdom to guide young women in their pursuit of God’s purpose for ministry.
  • Pray for mentors to have the ability to empower young women to fulfill their calling.
  • Pray for churches to identify mentors to join the cause of discipling the next generation of women in ministry.

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Ethnic Minority Scholarships

Ethnic/Minority Scholarships invest in emerging Baptist leaders by providing up to 33 ethnic/minority scholarships for students attending a Texas Baptist university or institution.


  • Pray that students be encouraged and equipped through their scholarship.
  • Pray for the leadership distributing these scholarships to build strong relationships with churches, encouraging pastors to support the Mary Hill Davis Offering.
  • Pray for the churches whose students receive scholarships, that they would disciple and mentor the students to be salt and light in their universities.

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Missions Mania Camp

Missions Mania provides an opportunity for Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) boys and their leaders to gather for a “Campout and Missions Mania" experience.


  • Pray for the Royal Ambassadors staff and leadership as they prepare for Missions Mania.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will begin preparing the hearts of the young men who will be in attendance.
  • Pray for the courage to be counter-cultural men who live like Jesus.

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Christian Job Corps

Christian Job Corps exists to equip men and women in a Christian context for life and employment providing mission opportunities through service in their community. 


  • Pray that the needs of our sites are met. Needs include adequate funding, plentiful participants, servant-hearted volunteers, space to offer classes, and spiritual growth for participants, leaders, and volunteers.
  • Pray for the new sites and leaders.
  • Pray for the participants to hear and respond to the gospel message, follow in believer's baptism, and that God will transform their lives as they surrender to Him.

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Apartment Churches

Apartment Church / Multi-Housing Churches provides an opportunity for Texas Baptists to minister to the ever-growing influx of new Texas residents.


  • Pray for leadership to remain focused on evangelism as churches are added at a rate of 20% per year.
  • Pray that traditional churches would catch the vision of this emerging movement of God. Last year, new Church Starts saw 3,000 professions of faith.
  • Pray that there will be more gospel conversations with people living in apartments and that apartment management will allow common areas to be used for church starts.

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Women's Build Project

Women’s Build is a partnership between WMU of Texas and Buckner Children & Family Services. The outcome is a new home for a family living in the El Polvorin Colonia in Peñitas, Texas. 



  • Pray for the safety and health of the WMU of Texas volunteers during the annual fall home build. 
  • Pray for the family selected to receive the home to experience the love of Christ from the volunteers and choose to follow Jesus as their Savior.

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10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
