Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas?

Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas (WMU of Texas), is passionate about empowering Christ-followers to radically participate in the mission of God. In partnership with national Woman’s Missionary Union®, we offer mission small groups and ministries, enabling every member of the church to learn about missions, become involved in missions, and live a missional lifestyle.

Learn more:

Who was Mary Hill Davis?

Mary Hill Davis served as the WMU of Texas President from 1906-1931. Mary’s heart for missions and people was evident in everything she did, and in 1935, the State Missions Offering was renamed the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions®.

For more information, visit Who was Mary Hill Davis?

What is the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions®?

For over eighty-five years, the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions® has empowered state missions efforts for Texas Baptists. Through your gifts, Texas Baptists ministries and missionaries are mobilized to make disciples and multiply churches among all people for the glory of God.

For more information, visit What is the Mary Hill Davis Offering®?

What is this year’s theme, scripture verse and offering goal?

The Mary Hill Davis Offering theme is “I am Texas Missions".

The scripture verse is "Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

The 2024 offering goal is $3.7 million.

When and what is the Week of Prayer?

The Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions® Week of Prayer is September 8-15, 2024. During this week, churches and individuals are encouraged to pray, promote and support Texas Baptists ministries and missionaries serving around the state and world.

For more information, visit Week of Prayer.

When should we promote the Mary Hill Davis Offering®?

The Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions® can be highlighted and celebrated year round. Traditionally, Texas Baptists churches highlight and support Texas missions during the Week of Prayer emphasis, but you are free to promote and support the Mary Hill Davis Offering® at any time throughout the year.

For more information, visit How To Promote.

Where can I find promotional materials?

All Week of Prayer materials will be available for shipping and download at

You may begin ordering offering materials on July 1.

For more information, contact us at 214.828.5150 or by email at

Where can I find information about the Annie Armstrong & Lottie Moon Offerings?

Annie Armstrong:

Lottie Moon:

What are the ways I can give to the Mary Hill Davis Offering®?

1. Give online:

2. Give to the Mary Hill Davis for Texas Missions offering at your church.

3. Give by mail: WMU of Texas, 10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238. Memo: Mary Hill Davis Offering. A gift acknowledgment will be mailed to you.

How are the gifts allocated?

Your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions® will be distributed to WMU of Texas ministry efforts and Texas Baptists ministries and missionaries serving in Texas and beyond. The offering has four focus areas: Serve Ministries, Advance Missions Leadership Ministries, Love the Least of These Ministries, and Tell Ministries.

For more information, visit Allocations.

How can we request a speaker?

To request a speaker for your in-person/virtual church gathering or missions group meeting, complete the speaker request form linked below. You may also contact the WMU of Texas team by phone at 214.828.5150 or by email at

To invite a speaker to your church, complete the speaker request form.

Contact Us:


Phone: 214-828-5150


Address: 10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Vimeo

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© 2024 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.

10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
