What is the Mary Hill Davis Offering®?

In 1935, the Executive Board of Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas recommended a resolution that the Week of Prayer for State Missions Offering be named the "Mary Hill Davis Offering”. The resolution was unanimously adopted and the offering was thus named for the woman who had led Baptist women of Texas to pray for and give to missions efforts in Texas. Today, your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering continue to empower state missions efforts for Texas Baptists.

State Missions Goal

2024 State Missions Goal: $3.7 Million

Together, WMU of Texas and Texas Baptists are able to send missionaries and provide opportunities for people to hear the Gospel and find hope in Christ.

The Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions is a vital part of this work - 100 percent - of the money collected goes to sending missionaries, supporting missions in Texas, and sustaining WMU of Texas' ministry efforts.

Ministry Impact

Week of Prayer: September 8-15, 2024

Each year, WMU of Texas walks alongside churches and individuals to help them engage in local missions, establish partnerships for missions, and empower others for worldwide missions. Visit below to read how your gifts impact countless lives in Texas and beyond.

How do I participate in Texas Missions?


Pray for Texas Baptists missionaries and ministries as they make disciples in Texas.



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© 2024 WMU of Texas. All rights reserved.

10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
