Young Adult Ministries

Through your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions, young adults serve and disciple one another through the Texas Baptists Devoted ministry for young adults, Pastor's Common ministry for young pastors, and Embrace, a mentoring program for young women. Learn more:


Devoted is a program for Texas Baptists young adults based on Acts 2:42. The early church was devoted to one another in prayer, fellowship, breaking of bread, and the teachings of the apostles. Devoted seeks to gather young adults from across the state as a means to identify potential leaders and connect them to Texas Baptists life and ministries. Learn more:

The Pastor's Common is a space for ministry leaders to be heard, be resourced, and find community. Their goal is to bring ministers of different ministry backgrounds together for kingdom growth and kingdom collaboration. Learn more:

Embrace is a mentoring experience for young women, ages 18-35 that seeks to help young women uncover God’s plan and purpose. The program includes six sessions that seek to answer the most common questions related to God’s purpose and plan. Learn more:

If you have any questions about the young adult programs above, please contact WMU of Texas at (214) 828-5150 or


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Prayer Requests

Pray for the creation of long-term relationships with young adults across the state of Texas.

Pray for mentors to join the cause of discipling the next generation of women in ministry.

Pray for the resources to provide training and discipleship material for young adult pastors.

When you give ...

Will provide a simple lunch that will e provided during a monthly training for each mentor and young mentee.
Will provide literature that connects Devoted attendees to Texas Baptists resources.
Will provide an outreach opportunity for the pastors in the group. We hope to connect them in such a way that helps them reach their community through their collaboration.

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10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
