WMU of Texas Women's Build

Through the ministries of the Family Hope Center and National Missions office, Buckner International is working every day to transform the community of El Polvorin, a colonia near the Buckner Family Hope Center.

These programs work in tandem to address needs and transform the lives of children and families living in these communities. One aspect of the transformation involves the construction of new homes. Other steps include sharing the Gospel of Christ, finding employment, learning how to prepare and manage a budget, enrolling children in school, and meeting basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and health care.

As the love of Christ begins to transform individual lives, the community experiences transformation as well. When a family meets the benchmarks of these specific programs to lay the foundation for success, they receive the gift of a home in Peñitas, Texas.

For the past nine years, Buckner International and WMU of Texas have partnered to build a home through the Women's Build project. For two weeks in October, two teams of women volunteers participate in the construction process by framing, insulating, applying sheetrock, painting and more. Throughout these two weeks, the volunteers also provide bilingual backyard Bible studies for the children in the community.

Through the generous gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering®, WMU of Texas can fund the needed building materials and equipment so the selected family can have a new start.


See Week of Prayer stories.

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Prayer Requests

  • Pray for women to sign up for Team One or Team Two for the Women’s Build in October 2020.
  • Pray for the family that will receive a new home. Pray that they will see Jesus on the faces of the builders.
  • Pray for the staff at the Buckner Family Hope Center as they build relationships with families in the colonia.

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When you give ...

Purchases a 1 oz box of galvanized nails (20 lbs. per house).
Supplements the purchase of plumbing supplies for the new home.
Supplements the purchase of paint, drywall, and insulation for the new home.

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10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
