MWBC Minister & Wives Retreat

The Minnesota/Wisconsin Baptist Convention (MWBC) has primarily been comprised of small churches served by bi-vocational pastors. Dr. Leo Endel, MWBC executive director, says that this Minister/Wives Retreat is the best-attended convention event each year.

It has the effect of holding their churches and leaders together in a region where distances isolate most of the churches. He expresses overflowing gratitude for the investment Texas Baptists continue to make in pastors and church planters who serve in a very challenging part of the United States.

A WMU of Texas president received the following note from one of the participants: “As you know, most of our churches in the MWBC are very small, so even the larger churches (60 plus people) oftentimes are on extremely tight budgets, which makes your generosity even more profound and thus we do praise the Lord for this precious gift of retreat. So many of us have been in the heat of spiritual battle, valley of death (with friends and family), a few on spiritual mountain tops, or all three. This weekend has become the “Elijah getaway” to draw us closer to God and each other. Thank you!”

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See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that pastors and their wives grow in their ability to discover God’s rhythm of rest in their busy lives.

  • Pray for the couples to learn sustainable habits of spiritual discipline, sabbath rest, and schedule/priority management.

  • Pray that these servants of God will not be legalistic about their lives and their failures but find the grace of God that gives freedom and joy. “I (the Lord) will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” (Jeremiah 31:25)

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When you give ...

Will help fund the speakers and program staff that minister to each couple.
Will provide an individual with five wonderful meals through which they find fellowship and encouragement.
Will provide one night’s lodging for a couple at the Green Lake Convention Center in Wisconsin.

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