Border Community Outreach

Border Community Outreach (BCO) meets the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs of the people living in the border cities. Texas Baptist River Ministry (TBRM) plans to collaborate with local Baptist churches and local associations in the border cities between Texas and Mexico. This partnership allows them to reach people arriving in the area and those in need.

TBRM missionary, George Solis, tells of how this outreach assisted two migrant families:

  • A mother and her three children were escaping Honduras where her husband and son had been killed. They were able to send her and her children to a long-term shelter for families.
  • A young man from Colombia was separated from his wife upon arrival. BCO was able to help him find her. She is still detained, but he left to go to Miami to start a life for them there. BCO was able to get him in contact with a Spanish-speaking Baptist pastor in Miami so the pastor can help him get established.

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See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that BCO will have the needed resources to provide the basic needs of people arriving in the border cities.

  • The border faces many spiritual issues. Pray for the missionaries to have the power and wisdom to confront the enemy, especially when they share Jesus and His love.

  • “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) Pray for the missionaries to recognize God’s opportunities to show the love of Christ in these border communities.

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When you give ...

Will provide a hygiene kit for a person in need: an immigrant in transit, a person getting medical treatment at a free medical clinic, or a person in prison with no family to provide these items.
Will supply a Care Box for a family to receive food, hygiene items, cleaning products, and essential pantry items for a week.
Will provide a church on the border with a VBS Kit including materials to share the good news of Christ with 75 children in their community.

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