Missions Mania Camp

Missions Mania provides an opportunity for Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) from Texas to gather for a “Campout and Missions Mania.” The boys and their leaders camp out, participate in fun games and competitions, and engage with missionaries from around the world as they encounter Christ.

Bradley's Texas Missions Story

Six-year-old Bradley Trevino had never been to Royal Ambassadors Campout and Missions Mania before. In fact, neither had anyone from his congregation. Church leaders from Bradley’s church heard about the Texas Baptist Men (TBM) outdoor fall event during Pursue, WMU of Texas Annual Meeting, and felt like it could help their students grow spiritually as they encounter Christ and learn about mission work. The games and competitions provided lots of fun. The group heard inspiring stories from missionaries who served around the world, and ended the day camping outside.

But what happened on the last night changed Bradley’s life eternally.

That evening, he heard about Christ, and accepted Jesus as his Savior. “God is working in the lives of boys across this state,” said TBM Royal Ambassador Coordinator Savion Lee. “We thank God for the work of WMU, which helps make life-changing events like Missions Mania possible.”

Get Involved

Encourage and engage your church to begin a Royal Ambassadors chapter. If you have an RA chapter in your church, pray for the boys and leaders involved. Learn more at texasroyalambassadors.com.


See Week of Prayer stories.

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Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the Royal Ambassadors staff and leadership as they prepare for Missions Mania.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will begin preparing the hearts of the young men who will be in attendance.
  • Pray for the courage to be counter-cultural men who live like Jesus.

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When you give ...

provides opportunities for RAs and their leaders to learn about missions.
uses technology to connect RAs to missionaries around the world
provides funds for a missionary to come and share their personal story how they have responded to God's call to be involved in God's mission.

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10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
