Human Trafficking

“I think I might be a victim.” These were the softly spoken words from a young lady who picked up a water bottle at an outreach group of the Coalition to Combat Human Trafficking.

This coalition labels water bottles with trafficking information in both Spanish and English. Churches, groups, or individuals can become involved and assist in these outreach activities. After this young lady grabbed the water bottle with trafficking information, she came back around and asked if she could speak to someone. She is now in a program and getting the help she needs.

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See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  • Human Trafficking is highly prevalent in Texas, as Texas ranks second in the nation in human trafficking. Pray for total (mind, body, and soul) healing for victims of human trafficking.

  • Pray for wisdom for ministries who respond to those rescued out of human trafficking.

  • “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Pray for increased awareness of the signs of human trafficking and ways individuals can actively participate in ending human trafficking.

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When you give ...

Will provide a resource bag to women identified as high-risk for being trafficked.
Will provide a Blessing Bag to a victim rescued out of human trafficking.
Will help a church educate its membership through resources on how to recognize the signs of human trafficking.

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