Strategic Outreach Ministry

When you give to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions, your gifts support the Strategic Outreach Ministry through the Office of Intercultural Ministries at Texas Baptists.

Take a moment to read how your gifts are impacting communities across the Dallas-Fort Worth area:

"When you gave to the Mary Hill Davis Offering last year, your gift helped the Strategic Outreach Ministry purchase Bibles for an Arabic church in Dallas. An Arabic Bible is given to every seeker the church witnesses to, and as the seekers become followers of Christ, they are becoming familiar with God’s Word and sharing it with others."

"Strategic Outreach provided a small refugee church in the DFW area with a musician and instruments for their worship services. Music is extremely important for this culture and is a vital way to express their worship. With your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions, this church would not have this opportunity to reach its community."


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Prayer Requests

Pray for the Office of Intercultural Ministries at Texas Baptists as they partner with each people group to strategically assist them in the development of contextual outreaches.

When you give ...

Provides Bibles in a heart language to a new people group in Texas.
Provides the rental of a tent and chairs for a day-long culture and evangelistic event for a refugee community.

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10325 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75238

(214) 828-5150
