PAVE Ministry for Ethnic Minorities

PAVE participants are pastors with a need to revitalize their churches. They come from a variety of cultures, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds. Training, resources, certifications, and travel expenses for pastors of ethnic minorities will be provided as PAVE expands to other regions of Texas.

This is a new project for the Texas Baptists Church Health Strategy Department. Their desired outcome is that at least 10 pastors will be equipped in revitalization, impacting over 1,000 people.

For more information, contact


See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  • Ask the Lord to bring healing to congregations who have experienced the pain of a dying church.

  • Beseech God to bring unity and protect churches from division in the revitalization process.

  • Pray for God to give Texas Baptists and the pastors of the churches impacted by this project “complete knowledge of His will, and spiritual wisdom and understanding, so their lives honor and please the Lord, and produce every kind of good fruit while they grow as they learn to know God better and better.” (Colossians 1:9-12)

Download Prayer Guide

When you give ...

Will provide a one-on-one counseling session for a pastor as he begins the PAVE church revitalization process.
Will provide a church health report to assist the church in the revitalization process.
Will supply a scholarship for a pastor who can’t afford the travel expense to be trained in the PAVE church revitalization process.

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