Human Trafficking

According to the Human Trafficking Institute Report, Texas ranks first in the nation for active human trafficking cases.

What is human trafficking?

Human Trafficking is one of the greatest forms of oppression of our time. It is the exploitation of men, women, and children for forced labor or sex by a third-party for profit or gain. Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition states that human trafficking is organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited (forced prostitution or involuntary labor).

Victims of human trafficking require spiritual, physical, and emotional support and counseling. Through the Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission partnerships, recipients are provided "New Beginnings" bags with clothing, hygiene items and toiletries. Victims are not only provided the items they need, but most importantly, these precious individuals are cared for and shown that they matter.

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40.


See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for Texas Baptists churches seeking to serve victims of human trafficking.
  2. Pray for the victims of human trafficking as they are ministered to spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
  3. Pray for trained volunteers to work with the victims of human trafficking.

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When you give ...

You will help a church learn how to prevent trafficking in their community.
You will help a trained volunteer provide a meal to victims rescued from human trafficking.
You will help a church educate its membership on how to recognize the signs of human trafficking.

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