House Church Ministries

Both Mary and her daughter, Alexandra, decided to follow Jesus while waiting for their hearings in one of the shelters in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico operated by El Buen Samaritan Home Church.

This Laredo, Texas, church welcomed them when they were given asylum. Mary constantly volunteers by singing, cleaning, and welcoming new families to the church. Alexandra serves migrant families who are released from Border Patrol in Laredo by contacting their relatives, handing out hygiene kits, and assisting families with other needs. Because of the El Buen Samaritan Home Church, this family now shares God’s love with other migrant families through their actions.

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See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  • Ask God to send more workers who are called to communities across Texas to begin House Churches.

  • Petition the Lord to call out young people to pastor these churches.

  • Pray that people will open their homes so that the gospel will cover Texas, just as the early church went “day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, always teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” (Acts 5:42)

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When you give ...

Will supply a Bible for a church attender.
Will provide coffee and refreshments for a Sunday service.
Will provide travel to a training for a House Church leader.

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