Go Now Missions

"On my last night working with refugees in Fort Worth, my teammate and I stayed at a couple's house until 1 am. This couple had previously invited us over for dinner. My teammate connected well with the husband, and I had formed a genuine friendship with the wife. I had taken the wife to the bank and helped her get her driver's permit, while my teammate had multiple times hung out with the husband and talked. We both had many spiritual conversations and shared the gospel multiple times with this couple, together and separately.

On our last night, after our final team meeting, we decided to go over there one last time. Little did we know, God had something in store different than we expected.

We walked in and they had already begun to cook a meal for us. The conversations got spiritual right away. My teammate and I took turns sharing stories from the Bible, bits of our testimonies, and parts of the gospel. When either one of us wasn't speaking we were praying for the other who was texting in our team's group chat asking for more intercessions.

Our team was up praying as late as one in the morning! As the conversation ended, the couple told us they had family in Austin, where I attend the University of Texas, and were coming to visit them soon.

They invited me to come to dinner with their entire family to meet them! It is so cool to see God relentlessly pursuing them, sewing seeds all along the way. I am excited to continue to see their journeys of faith."

Ellen Finke, a University of Texas student, served as a Go Now Missionary in Fort Worth, TX working with refugees.


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Prayer Requests

  1. Pray For Go Now Student Missionaries to boldly share the Gospel across Texas, the nation, and the world.
  2. Pray for the parents of student missionaries as they too take a step of faith as their child serves.

When you give ...

$ 15
Provides a Go Now Missionary with meals of a single day.
Provides a monthly subway pass for a God Now Missionary serving in a megacity.
Provides materials and training for a Go Now Missionary.

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