Field Service Coordinators (River Ministry Missionaries)

When you give to the Mary Hill Davis Offering, you are supporting ministries like Barefoot Sunday, a mission project from First Baptist Church Lorena. Last year, they collected 288 pairs of shoes for the River Ministry in Del Rio.

Through this mission project, missionary, Shon Young is able to distribute shoes and build relationships between local schools and their City Church in Del Rio. Shoes were also distributed to the Val Verde Border Humanitarian Coalition, serving immigrants.

Additionally, Pastor Noe Ramirez and his wife Maria from Iglesia Bautista Horeb, also help distribute shoes to Ciudad Acuña at their mission sites where they are actively trying to plant a church.

Thank you for supporting our Texas Baptists river missionaries serving along the border. For Texas Baptists to continue the work in our state, we ask that you prayerfully consider giving to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions®. This offering will distribute funds to 73 ministries from the 2021 offering.


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Prayer Requests

  1. River Ministry Missionaries are feeling overwhelmed as needs have increased with COVID-19.
  2. Pray for all of the River Ministry missionaries serving in medical missions, and pray for additional volunteers and ministry partners.

When you give ...

Provides evangelistic soccer balls for a River Ministry missionary to share the Gospel through a sports camp.
Provides seeds for four community gardens in a community along the border.

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