Community Justice

John began getting into trouble immediately after graduating high school, and eventually found himself in jail. While serving his time, John connected with J.A.I.L Ministries and remained connected following his release.

As John re-entered society, J.A.I.L Ministries stepped in to provide food, clothing and assistance with acquiring a driver's license and job. Today, John is a thriving adult, husband and father.

J.A.I.L Ministries recently stated, “It’s wonderful to see the Lord restore a person’s life. God is so good."

The prison system impacts families, inmates, guards, and many others. Funds from the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions® supports mission outreach programs within the criminal justice system by meeting needs of offenders and ex-offenders, their families, law enforcement officers, victims, and criminal justice professionals.


See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for the mission outreach programs within the criminal justice system as they meet needs in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. Pray that the desired outcome of Community Justice will be to minister to the guards, inmates, and family members in a holistic manner.
  3. Pray for Christ-followers as they shine the light of God and “remember those in prison” (Hebrews 13:3).

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When you give ...

You will provide an English Bible for an inmate or inmate's family member.
You will provide a Spanish Bible for an inmate or inmate's family member.
You will provide meals at the Hospitality House in Huntsville, Texas, for families with a family member scheduled for execution.

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