Chaplain, Pastor & Staff Training

Many Texas Baptists chaplains, pastors, and staff members need additional training on techniques to offer quality pastoral care to their churches and communities. The Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions® helps in many of these areas, but emphasis can be placed on five key projects.

A gift of $150 could provide...

  • Training for a young seminarian who is pursuing a call to chaplain ministry.
  • Help for a pastor to learn how to prevent suicide for his/her community.
  • Help to train a pastoral care provider how to show God’s love to homeless veterans.
  • Help for a young hospice chaplain to learn about death and dying so he/she can share Christ with a grieving family.
  • Training for disaster care chaplains on how to respond to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of victims of trauma.


See Week of Prayer stories.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for Texas Baptists chaplains, pastors, and care providers.
  2. Pray for chaplains, pastors, and staff as they continue learning techniques to offer quality pastoral care to their churches and communities.
  3. Pray for the Texas Baptists Chaplaincy Relations Ministry as they provide spiritual care training for pastors, chaplains, and church members.

Download Prayer Guide

When you give ...

You will provide a scholarship for a young seminarian who is pursuing a call to chaplain ministry.
You will help a pastor learn how to prevent suicide for his/her community.
You will train a pastoral care provider on how to show God's love to homeless veterans.

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