African American Go Now Missions

In 2020, African American Go Now missionary, Skyler James, helped at a kid's club and youth club every weekday afternoon, teaching Bible stories, playing games, and having snacks.

Angela was a little girl who attended the kids club, never wanting to leave after the day’s activities were over. She would hide somewhere in the room when it was time for her leave. As the weeks passed, Angela became very attached to Skyler and she became more willing to participate in activities and listen to the Bible stories. By the end of Skyler's mission trip, Angela was excited to be involved in the kids club.

Through your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering, African American Go Now missionaries are making an impact on children like Angela. The 2021 Week of Prayer for Texas Missions will be held on September 12-19, 2021. Prayerfully considers giving to support African American Go Now missionaries like Skyler James. Learn more:


See Week of Prayer stories.

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Prayer Requests

  1. Pray that African American students will trust God and apply for summer missions.
  2. Pray that provisions will be made for their continued educational pursuits following a summer missions experience.
  3. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will bless many to come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as a result of these students serving as summer missionaries.

When you give ...

Covers the expenses while a student attends Go Now's Missions Orientation.
Covers a Go Now student missionary's contingency expenses while they are serving in the field.

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